1. How has your journey in publishing been? Anything
you would or wouldn’t do again? It has been interesting. I have no patience so it’s hard waiting to
see if my work is accepted! Nothing I
wouldn’t do again.
2. What are you working on right now? Can you tell
us about it? I have a few I am working
on, but the one that has been calling me is Lighting Strike. I saw a picture of a tree that had been hit
by lightning and it caught my imagination.
Of course not in a normal way! I
brought in the photographer and a tree nymph! I can’t seem to help myself but when I write,
erotic seems to flow from my fingertips!
3. What/Who inspired you to start writing? It just seemed natural. I was one of those kids who didn’t mind doing
book reports. I joined the creative
writing club in high school. We were
able to go to a seminar at one of the universities in Chicago and it changed how
I viewed the world around me.
4. How long have you been writing? Seriously just the past year though I’ve been
scribbling since high school.
5. What advice would you give a new writer just
starting out? Do it! Don’t be afraid to try. It’s really hard to bare you imagination to
someone that might reject it, but boy when it’s accepted it’s the greatest
thing (other than having kids and a lot less painful!)
6. Are you a pantser or a plotter? Pantser all the
way. Plotting is my downfall, I get
bogged down. I do research, but as I
go! One page open to word and the other
to the internet at all times!
7. Who is your favorite author? Such a hard question! I honestly have two Christine Feehan and
Stephanie Laurens. They are the only
authors whose books I still purchase in hard copy.
8. When did you first consider yourself a writer? When my book finally came out!
9. What is the hardest part about writing for you? Finding the time. I work full time and I can only write when I
am home by myself, so that really limits me.
I’ll take a day off here or there if my husband has the weekend off with
me just so I can have a day to write.
10. Do you have a favorite character from your
books? If so, why and who? Yes I
do. Drake, he is glimpsed in my first
book Dragons’ Mate. I am working on his
story now, it’s just taking me a while because I plotted this one out (pantser
remember) and I have to figure out how the next step can happen and seem
real. He’s hot and so Alpha! Oh, and a dragon!
11. How many books have you written? Which is your
favorite? Only one has been published at
this point so I’m going with it!
LOL! Dragons’ Mate. I have one submitted, two nearing completion,
and a joint one with my BFF Tamara Hoffa.
12. Do you do research for your books or does it all
come from your head? Oh no, I
research. I use any and all information
I can find and twist it to work for me!
The joint book Tamara and I are working on involves the Chicago
Fire. I headed down to Chicago (my old
stomping ground) and hit the museums. A
lot of the names I use are looked up and used for their meanings.
13. What is your favorite colour? Yellow but everyone thinks it is lime green J. My car, scooter and kitchen are all lime
green. But yellow is so happy.
14. What is your favorite food? Shrimp cooked any and every way!
15. What is your favorite smell? Magnolia blossoms
16. Do you have any strange habits? I plead the 5th! Playing with dragons isn’t strange is it?
17. Where are you from? Do you still live there? If
not, what do you miss about it? I am
originally from the Chicago area. I now
live in Wisconsin so I can visit when I want to make that three hour
drive. I miss the food! I do drive down when I am craving a
Portillo’s beef or Chicago Dog. I’ll
stop to visit my family too! My parents’
one brother and his family and my cousins live there still.
18. Ebook or print? And why? Ebook.
As I age L my allergies have gotten worse and
print books (as I usually used the library) have way too many allergens. Plus I have trouble with hand cramps and
paperbacks make it hard to read for long stretches (days you know!) But I have to say that I’ve never been hurt
when I fall asleep with a paperback like I do when my kindle pops me in the
face when it falls out of my hand when I fall asleep reading.
19. How do you keep your writing different from all
the others that write in this particular genre?
I try to let my stories be part of me.
Everything I write has something of my life or my experiences in it in some
20. What is one thing your readers would be most
surprised to learn about you? That I am
really glad digital cameras and uTube weren’t around when I was in my late
teens and twenties! I got up to way too
much trouble! BTW it is NOT a good idea to skinny dip in Lake Michigan at night
on a public beach!
They had been searching for their mate, but when they
find her she is traumatized and scared to be around strange men. They must get
her to accept them before they reveal their true natures. Will their love be
strong enough to break down her barriers? Could she truly be destined to love
two dragons?
Today Annie’s dragons will shift and fulfill her every
desire, which means a fiery threesome—and true love.
Buy Links:
Publishing Group: http://www.boroughspublishinggroup.com/books/dragons-mate
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/291514
Barnes &
Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dragons-mate-beverly-ovalle/1114796338?ean=2940044353848
Sony Reader
Store: https://ebookstore.sony.com/ebook/beverly-ovalle/dragons-mate/_/R-400000000000000987497
Author Information:
Beverly Ovalle lives in Wisconsin with her husband Edmond of 23
years and two Chinese Water Dragons. Having her own Dragons is expected as she
is dragon crazy and anyone that walks in her house can tell. Her son Nicholas
visits when he is on leave from the Marines.
Her daughter Susannah visits to grocery shop in the pantry and to see
what might be cooking for dinner.
Beverly has traveled around the world thanks to five years in the
US Navy and has worked for the government in one capacity or another for the
past 30 years. Beverly and her brothers have travelled most of the continental
United States as children due to the station wagon from Hell. Still active with veterans, she is adjutant
for her local AMVETS.
Beverly has been reading romances since her Aunt introduced her to
the gothic romance in the fourth grade and is still reading every chance she
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