Stop 3 Marc Introduces Damián
to the World of Consensual Kink
to the third stop in Kallypso Master’s “How it Began” two-day blog tour. Thanks
for having me, Jo-Anna Walker.
you’re just joining in, you can get a list of the tour stops in order at my Ahh, Kallypso…the stories you tell blog
for the next excerpt in the “How it Began” blog tour, Masters at Arms is very much a story about how three military men
met and formed a bond. In this scene, Marc and Damián are about to deploy and
after hearing Damián’s misconceptions about BDSM, Marc has decided to take him
to a kink club.
a little reality, of course, Marines have a code of ethics that states they are
not to frequent such establishments. So they drive to Los Angeles from Camp
Pendleton in order to avoid detection by the MPs. When Top Griz (a retired
Master Sergeant and now one of my Marine experts), found me after my first
three books were out, I asked him what Marc and Damián have done if they’d seen
Adam Montague, their Master Sergeant, at the club. Top Griz said, “They’d have
spit out their beer—or the redhead—and run.” You’ll have to read the entire
scene to see what he’s referring to.
love the Marines! Here they are at the club, waiting on one of the unattached
submissives at the club to return from preparing for the scene they’ve
negotiated. This is one of Marc’s favorite fantasies—the naughty schoolgirl—and
it takes him no time at all to get into character.
Fifteen minutes later, as he polished off his
beer, Marc looked toward the dressing-room entrance to see Bianca strutting
toward them in a short, short plaid skirt and a schoolgirl’s white blouse. She
held a wooden ruler between her breasts.
Holy shit!
Marc adjusted himself surreptitiously to keep
from strangling his cock and stood up.
“You’re late, young lady. Mr. Jerry sent you to
me for your punishment thirty minutes ago. What do you have to say for
Her pupils dilated again as she caught her
breath before she cast her eyes down to the floor. “I’m sorry, sir. I was with
my friends and just lost track of time.”
Marc took the ruler from her and laid it on the
table. He had raided Jerry’s private toy stash while Bianca was dressing and
picked up one of the leopard-print cuffs lying beside the ruler. He handed it
to Orlando, then picked up Bianca’s hand and extended it to the kid, whose
hands shook as he wrapped the cuff around her wrist and tightened it.
“Is that too tight?” Orlando asked.
“No, Sir.”
The kid’s pants tented at the title. Marc
grinned, then he turned her around and pulled her cuffed hand behind her back
while he secured the right wrist and clipped the two together. She kept her
head bowed, causing his cock to throb even more. He couldn’t wait to turn her
over his knee. He picked up a borrowed necktie and blindfolded her.
Grabbing the ruler almost as an afterthought,
he motioned for Orlando to take one arm and Marc took the other to keep her
from running into any obstacles as they led her to a darkened corner. He
pointed to the far end and Orlando sat down, then Marc lowered Bianca over the
armrest at that end until her head rested in Orlando’s lap. He wouldn’t be able
to smack her as hard with his left hand, but the ruler would sting enough.
Marc lifted her short skirt. Oh,
yeah. No panties. Her round globes were white and begging for some
color. “Tell me why you’ve been sent to the principal’s office, Bianca.”
“Because I was talking in class, Sir.”
Marc reached out and rubbed her ass cheeks
vigorously to get the blood to the surface. Then he indicated for Orlando to do
the same. The kid’s hand reached behind her to gently stroke her ass. Well, it
was a start. At least he was touching her. He motioned Orlando’s hand away with
the ruler.
She gasped in the most sensual way. His cock
strained against his khakis. Her left cheek soon displayed the mark of the
ruler, holes and all. “Tell me what your mouth should be used for instead.”
“Fucking, Sir.”
“Good answer.” She visibly relaxed.
Smack! The right cheek soon bore a matching welt.
Marc nodded to Orlando indicating her head. The
kid moved his hand up past her cuffed hands and traced a path up her arm to her
“Tell me how you want to please us with your
mouth, pet.”
“By sucking your cocks, Sirs.”
“Oh!” The pain and frustration were evident in
her scream. The last blow landed across her upper thighs, causing her to
squirm. Enough of the damned ruler. He needed to feel his hand against her ass,
between her legs.
“Stand!” With his and Orlando’s help, she was
lifted onto her feet again. The disappointment written on her face told him she
thought her discipline had ended.
Not even close, pet.
Marc led her to stand in front of the dividing
center cushion, facing her toward the social area where they’d negotiated the
scene. He sat down, then reached up and took Bianca by the arm, pulling her off
“We have you,” Marc assured her. Yes, she
definitely hadn’t expected more. Good. He liked to surprise subbies.
He wrapped his arm around her waist while
motioning for Orlando to do the same in front of her thighs. Together they
lowered her over both their laps, careful not to overstrain her arms. Bianca
was positioned so that her abdomen was over Marc’s thighs and her ass lifted in
the air, giving Orlando a perfect view. Her calves were across the kid’s lap
and he reached out to stroke her legs with his right hand.
“How are you doing, pet?”
“Fine, Sir.” Her voice had gone up an octave to
a high squeak.
“What’s your safeword?”
“Red, Sir.”
“Use it if you need to.” Not knowing how much
pain she could take, it never hurt to remind her, before the spanking continued
in earnest. Hoping to give Orlando and himself better access to her pussy—he
reached down and put pressure against her right knee until she spread her legs
for him with some hesitation.
He brought his right hand down hard against her
pink lower right cheek.
Then the left.
Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!
and Almost Free Books Available in the Rescue Me Series
those wanting a free glimpse into the Rescue Me world, you can get started with
the FREE introduction, Masters at Arms.
This book introduces six characters who will go on to have happily ever after
Romances shared about them. (Adam & Karla, Damián & Savannah, Marc, and
in a small part here but with more to come later, Grant.)

because I don’t want you to stop there, I’ve just released a new combination
e-book download of the first TWO books
in the series—Masters at Arms &
Nobody’s Angel—for only 99 cents! You save $3 off the cost of
purchasing Nobody’s Angel as a
single. Nobody’s Angel introduces you
to Angelina and shows her exploration into the world of BDSM, but Marc remained
so closed off still in this book, it won’t be until the December release, Somebody’s Angel, that readers will come
full circle with this couple. The paperback version of Masters at Arms & Nobody’s Angel is 467 pages long, so this is
a bargain at 99 cents! You’ll find buy links to all of my books, which
currently are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, All Romance eBooks,
Kobo, Apple, and Smashwords, at my Ahh,
Kallypso…the stories you tell blog page:
also are the direct links to this new title at:
Time! Free eBook in the Rescue Me Series!
each of the 15 stops, I’ll be gifting one randomly chosen reader a copy of a
book in the Rescue Me Series (a $4.99 value), chosen from Nobody’s Hero, Nobody’s
Perfect, or the soon-to-be-released Somebody’s
Angel. Fill out the Rafflecopter for your chance(s) to win! As with all of
my giveaways, this is open internationally. And we’ll also send through the
mail some cool swag items, including this red Ka-thunk! pen, hand fan, a
Masters Brat button, and other cool stuff!
By Friday, we’ll be sure
to update with the direct links to each of the entries so you can follow easily
and start gathering those answers to the 15 trivia questions!
a Rafflecopter giveaway